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  • 📦 If your order contains more than 1 product, the furthest delivery date that you will find in the details of each product will be taken into account.


    🙏🏼 We do not have stock and we manufacture as orders come in. We appreciate your patience! Please indicate the approximate delivery dates very well to your clients. The dates appear on each product sheet.

    🧾 Prices are without VAT/VAT. When you finish your order we will send you the invoice so you can make the transfer, with the correct amounts. In the case of orders with shipping to Spain we will include 21% VAT, in case of shipments outside of Spain and if you are registered in the ROI, your order is exempt from paying VAT / VAT.


    Remember to place the order by checking the billing information box and entering your information as a company and add your client's information in shipping information.